Starting in 2018 the state of Wisconsin will no longer require hunters to enter a drawing for their fall turkey license. All fall turkey authorizations will be sold over the counter or more accurately via the internet at Go Wild.
I do not know when this decision was made or if there was a press release, I missed it. As new hunting seasons approach, I don’t feel complete until all my new licenses/tags/permits–no wait–the correct term is changed; license, tags, and permits have become authorizations.
When I purchased my Conservation Patron authorization, I always apply for all auths available this prevents forgetting to submit the applications later. Panic set in when the fall turkey auth was already part of my package! What happened to all the leftover auths we used to purchase.
A quick to Wisconsin DNR website and keyword search “turkey” provided the answer.
One fall turkey harvest authorization is included with each fall turkey or conservation patron license purchased. Customers will need to specify their zone of choice at the time of purchase. For select zones, bonus fall turkey harvest authorizations (formerly known as leftover tags) will be sold over the counter. Availability will be posted in the summer.
Whew, this means after the turkey committee meets we will be able to purchase more fall turkey harvest authorizations. Got a little nervous there that turkey dog Vic’s turkey hunting opportunities were being curtailed.
This is good news, it has been a waste of time and money conducting the fall turkey drawing because there are so few fall turkey hunters in WI nearly every unit has leftover authorizations. Now each hunter will receive an authorization with their fall turkey license. Previously, they would not get this if they had not applied for the drawing.

Vic and I will relax now.