Starting in 2018 the state of Wisconsin will no longer require hunters to enter a drawing for their fall turkey license. All fall turkey authorizations will be sold over the counter or more accurately via the internet at Go Wild.
I do not know when this decision was made or if there was a press release, I missed it. As new hunting seasons approach, I don’t feel complete until all my new licenses/tags/permits–no wait–the correct term is changed; license, tags, and permits have become authorizations.
When I purchased my Conservation Patron authorization, I always apply for all auths available this prevents forgetting to submit the applications later. Panic set in when the fall turkey auth was already part of my package! What happened to all the leftover auths we used to purchase.
A quick to Wisconsin DNR website and keyword search “turkey” provided the answer.
One fall turkey harvest authorization is included with each fall turkey or conservation patron license purchased. Customers will need to specify their zone of choice at the time of purchase. For select zones, bonus fall turkey harvest authorizations (formerly known as leftover tags) will be sold over the counter. Availability will be posted in the summer.
Whew, this means after the turkey committee meets we will be able to purchase more fall turkey harvest authorizations. Got a little nervous there that turkey dog Vic’s turkey hunting opportunities were being curtailed.
This is good news, it has been a waste of time and money conducting the fall turkey drawing because there are so few fall turkey hunters in WI nearly every unit has leftover authorizations. Now each hunter will receive an authorization with their fall turkey license. Previously, they would not get this if they had not applied for the drawing.

Vic and I will relax now.
N.C.L.W. says
Excellent update for you Charlie! Things read like this is quite the improvement for Wisconsin Fall Turkey.
Very glad your noted nervousness over Hunt loss was unfounded – For once, a Hunter’s nervousness over loss was not warranted. In my jurisdiction of residence, we have lost much in general and our systems are very easily abused by antis – The loss is real, the regulations onerous and gov’t frequently targets law abiding firearms owners in heinous ways.
Charlie says
“The loss is real, the regulations onerous and gov’t frequently targets law-abiding firearms owners in heinous ways”– This makes me nervous about traveling into Canada with some firearms with intentions to hunt. Rest assured I will still make some trips there. Know anyone who is willing to bail me out if I should happen to forget to dot an i?
The pendulum has swung back and forth in this country all my life. Right now, for the most part, freedom is ringing. However, there are very important elections taking place all over the nation and sadly one never knows when their fellow citizens are going to vote against liberty for some perceived short-term benefit. No matter, I have lived long enough to see that the future is bright with only a few stumbling blocks here and there.
N.C.L.W. says
Provided one is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America, your prognosis is surely agreeable. Eslewhere?! Not good looking just now…
None the less I am sure that if your trip is short term, your paperwork in order and firearms types legal (Who’s to say what that might be at any given time – Classifications are arbitrarily set by RCMP fiat) who should be good to go… Provided Hunting is even legal at all, again who’s to say?
Go ahead and travel though! I am sure I can recommend excellent representation should it be required. Doubt they’ll want more egg on their face after the horrid job their delegates did on NAFTA) and surely, all involved would not wish to be party to an international incident! ; D
Charlie says
Precisely the thing to worry about.
Several years ago during a tense disagreement, the U.S. and Canada had over an Arctic passage and fishing rights- I was scoutmastering a group of Boy Scouts back from the Alaska bush. At the B.C. border, a by the book and them some customs officer-ette decided the several weeks of hair growth on my face indicated something suspicious. She ordered everything emptied from the vehicles and trailers while I was ushered into the guard shack for extra questioning. So, how fast can that “excellent representation” you recommend arrive onsite? 😉
N.C.L.W. says
That’d be entirely budget dependent, more likely than not!
Glad you didn’t require representation and it was simply an overzealous search by a hoplophobic automaton. Wish I could say I am surprised by your story, yet such abuses are common. It gets very bad for Canadians as they will take any excuse to seize firearms.
There are mechanisms in the Criminal Code and Firearms Act that allows for searches if a Firearms Officer (Whatever the F that is, it’s whoever RCMP Chief Firearms Office assigns to an area) figures and/or gets a report there are 11 firearms present they can search w/warrant.
If any Peace Officer feels a Possession and Acquisition License Holder (PAL are available to anyone – you do not need to be a Resident/Subject of Canada to apply for nor hold a PAL) they can come and seize any and all firearms and ammunition owned under a PAL with the only recourse for the PAL holder being a hearing before a Provincial Court Judge inside of thirty days…
Which Police basically never do because they can fabricate some kind of allegation based on most any complain or interaction to apply a non firearms related Criminal count(s) so they can seize the PAL holder’s property until being after acquitted at Trial and so on it goes.
A terrible system! But must be aided by in Canada. Anyone can think whatever they want here – But can not do such. Fundamentally, all firearms are illegal in Canada un the Criminal Code.
Charlie says
I appreciate you expanding my vocabulary; “hoplophobic”- a political neologism meaning an irrational aversion to weapons.
This term will be useful during the hyperbolic gun debate beginning here. 🙂
Keep me posted about turkey dogging up there. A new experience in turkey hunting is worth the budget dent.
N.C.L.W. says
Hoplophobia is no “political neologism” – that variety of terminology (probably incurred via wikipedia) is simply antis demanding to control any and all definitions involved in any words utilized within debate or argument. I have personally witnessed people reacting to the mere presence of a firearm as an aracnophobe would would a hefty pack O’ TARANTULAS!!! No joke. No matter what any given version of Psychology/Psychiatry’s published DSM does or does not include. None the less, very glad to be of service (or in the least, entertainment, Sir!
Now, I am as near certain as one can ever be in this harsh and cruel world under the sun – Vic, as a Doggo, will represent SO well that – Provided your paperwork is in order for all your stuff&things, the only real expense will be gas! BC prices are well through the roof and rising! 😀 10/15 legal border crossings successful!
Turkey Doggin’ legal for yourself w/said paperwork done May 15-June 15 as well as the first two weeks in October, more likely than not. You can this all by your lonesome as Turkey are Upland Game Birds in BC!
N.C.L.W. says
That should’ve said – 15/10 😀
N.C.L.W. says
There is some good news from BC, Charlie – LEH for Turkey in December has been proposed. Turkey Doggos legal!!! 😀
This would be an additional Season for Bow or Shot only (other seasons allow for use of Rimfire Rifles. Centrefire Rifles are legal only for the killing of grouse/ptarmigan as far as regulated birds go) A few other items too, but I do not know what these new regulations will entail for the upcoming future of Hunting in BC.
The last big BC reg change was a complete ban on Griz hunting by anyone without an Indian Status Card. A change I knew would happen when gov’t was hijacked by chicanery of parties that represent antis to the max and have been hurting the economy something fierce whilst crying about and being made to look foolish by a party of same name next Province due east) The change was based entirely on social manipulation by antis. I am hopefull and believe that this ban shall be temporary, as has happened in the Province of BC in the past. Does show many who were fooled by their nonsense before! Of which I am surely not one. Saw that coming, to be sure.
Charlie says
Turkey dogging in BC definitely qualifies for a bucket list, at least mine. 🙂 Do you think they’ll allow nonres, well in my case alien hunters?
So what happens to a poor fellow who has to shoot a Griz to save himself or his dog?
N.C.L.W. says
I can’t answer any of these questions as –
a) It is only a proposed season. New regs on the way – Turkey do not require a Guide or accompaniment and are classed along with any other Upland Game Bird. Hopefully the regulations will be known july-ish.
b) Again no clue. They might arrest you and seize everything as evidence and create charges or they might just call it a good shoot and move on. Again, no way to say – Highly dependent upon the specific case.
N.C.L.W. says
Now here’s the speculation, mixed with as of this writing accurate intel 😀
Yes, no guide required if you can prove completion of Hunter Education training from any State, Prov. or Territory for Non-res Alien. They’re thinking of a restricted and non-restricted non resident/non-res alien status – Guide or qualified permit to accompany. New LEH season (Draws are currently Resident only) not withstanding, there are surely BC Turkey Dogging opportunity for you!
Report it when you can. Tell your story and prove you had to shoot and things should work out just fine. Provided the antis stay out of it and don’t start suing and/or weaponizing the system against said poor fellow.
FirstBubba says
Just a thought!
I have recently discovered a web site that publishes very good pro gun articles.
No, nothing from north of the border!
Charlie says
Yes, they consistently have good articles.