by FirstBubba
From no bird since 2011 to the spring of 2015!
At least I’m not greeted by thunder and lightening this morning! Meant to be up by 5:00 AM. When my bleary eyes finally locate a clock, it’s 5:26 AM!
Coffee and dressed and I’m out the gate at 6:03 AM! Not bad for an old, fat cripple!
It’s 6:43 AM when I stop at the gate and it’s beginning to break day. Quite a difference from the deluge of two days ago! The air is still, quiet and nearly 60°. The sun promises a cloudless, bluebird sky! AWESOME!
Somewhere across the bottom, a gobble breaks the silence! I quickly gather my gear and head out across the still soggy pasture, birds gobbling from time to time. The crystal clear notes tell me they’re still on the roost.
I set the “deke” and make my spread. Then the “Gobble Fest” begins. I must be hearing 10 to 15 birds from three different directions.
Low lying fog spreads across the bottom. The fog is beautiful, and I take a few pictures. Two coyotes stop and check the hen decoy before moving along.
Muffled gobbles tell me birds are on the ground. Buffing the slate call, I throw out a “cut” or two. They’re greeted with gobbles. Yelps and purrs are more often cut off with gobbles than not!
Checking the camera, I see the batteries are getting low. Retrieving the four new batteries from my coat pocket, I pop the old batteries out and drop the new ones in. I replace the camera on its monopod and shove it into the soft ground and realize that two birds are almost to the pecan trees! One looks to be a very nice bird! Oh, well!
Checking back the way they came in, I see a big white head about 30 yards out.
What do I do now? The gun is resting on its tripod, probably 70° from where the bird is! I contemplate my next move.
I lift with my right hand on the wrist of the stock and slap the fore end with my left, lifting the gun out of its cradle.
Startled, the bird stares at me as I swing the shotgun into position and slap the trigger!
He’s mine!

Not as big a bird as the “Rain Storm” gobbler, but a VERY pretty bird! 16 pounds 3/4″ spurs 9″ beard
JM says
Heck…I’m 24 and in pretty good shape and that still sounds like me every morning whenever hunting or fishing is on the agenda for the day. Always somehow end up 30 minutes behind My ability to sleep through alarms is pretty impressive actually. I blame growing up near railroad tracks and inside a home of a person who collected clocks. Congrats on the bird and ending the dry streak.
huntfishtrap says
I don’t usually run late when hunting, just when going to work. LOL
JM says
Yeah its weird man. I love hunting/fishing but somehow always end up running late. Hate having to go to work, but I always end up getting there early!
FirstBubba says
Since I’ve retired, there are NO alarm clicks on my home.
Since my morning constitutional includes coffee, I set the coffee maker timer to awaken me with the pots soft gurgling.
Unfortunately, there is no “snooze” button! LOL!
N.C.L.W. says
A fine tale told in true FirstBubba fashion! Thank You for sharing the story of your success with us here. Surely was a great day there for you Bubba!
FirstBubba says
Thanks N.C.L.W.
Always enjoy sharing.