Written and photographed by FirstBubba
Basically, this was my first attempt at “wild game photography”.
Armed with a Kodak Z5010 camera and a 21x zoom lens and my trusty Ruger 6.8mm Ranch rifle, (there’s lot’sa wild hogs in the area!) I set out about a week before season to locate and photograph turkeys…or what ever else may pop out.
Settling down in a gully behind a willow log in the gathering light, gobblers loudly greeting the dawn all around me and my heart goes into overdrive!
Wanting some action shots, I set the camera to “Video” and wait.
It doesn’t take long!
Two toms approach from the west, three from across the road behind me and two more from across the creek.
A “herd” of hens gather by twos, threes, and fours from all directions until I’m a nervous wreck!
I can’t track them ALL! …and don’t want one to “bust” me!
These six toms break off, cross under the fence and are joined by one stray hen who quickly scuttles away when the six square off.
I have trouble finding the birds on the screen!
I finally get the camera recording, the raucous “fighting purrs” breaking the early dawn quiet and filling the bottom with sound.
Now if I can just keep them on screen…THAT didn’t happen!
With nearly 2 minutes of jittery video, at least the sound turned out good! LOL!
It was nearly 10 o’clock before all the turkeys left and I could escape unnoticed.
Only when I got home did it dawn on me that I only had video and no “pictures”.
The little camera, though inexpensive in the grand scheme of things, has a feature to make “stills” from videos!
That is what you see that Charlie has so beautifully “recreated” here!
Thanks, FirstBubba for these great pictures of Oklahoma gobblers getting ready to Rumble! It’s not very often if ever turkey hunters get a front row seat to this sporting event. Heck, how many hunters would take pictures or just watch before shooting one of these fine toms?
Thanks for sharing these with us Bubba, it is really appreciated. Sure gets a turkey hunter’s blood pumping.
Be sure to check out our Turkey Sitrep and leave turkey stories and reports in your state.

Photo courtesy FirstBubba

Photo courtesy FirstBubba
Gobbler Rumble

Photo courtesy FirstBubba
Gobbler Rumble

Photo courtesy FirstBubba
Gobbler Rumble