The bowhunter’s crossbow
Read Update Crossbows are now legal in WI
On Tuesday September 17, 2013 the Wisconsin State Senate passed
authorizing a crossbow season in Wisconsin. All Senators with the exception of Senator Mark Miller voted for passage. This revised bill is the same as the original Assembly which was passed earlier this year with the Senate’s additional amendment 1 giving the DNR authority to change the crossbow season after 2 years.
Many think this is the backdoor for Wisconsin Bowhunters to later gain restrictions on crossbow hunters after the attention dies down. The Wisconsin Bowhunters have made no secret of their dislike for crossbows especially if these crossbow hunters are allowed to hunt during the rut. Apparently after years of having the rut period to themselves many “bowhunters” feel entitled. Originally they had proposed accepting crossbow legalization only if the crossbow season were to close mid-October and not reopen until December. Crossbow advocates may have made a mistake accepting this compromise, Wisconsin Bowhunters are well connected inside the WDNR giving them ability to influence regulations.
Hopefully, in 2 years all of the crossbow opposition’s fears will be laid to rest as they discover the crossbow is just a bow that casts an arrow just like any other bow.
Nonhunters I have spoken with wonder why all the hoopla and controversy on this issue. They sum the situation with something like this-
“The deer ends up dead. Why does it matter how?”
Good question.
Hot Tamale says
I just wanted to point out that it was AB194 not AB30. There were a lot of things changed, however it still allows for crossbows to be used.
It will go back to the assembly where it passed unanimously earlier in the year. it is set to go to the assembly floor the week of october 8th.
love this blog
charlie elk says
Thanks, it’s been corrected above with link to a PDF of the bill going to the Assembly for a vote. Hunting season is open, which is my first priority, but I’ll read the new bill/changes as time allows and make further commentary as warranted.
Jim Laabs says
What happened on the Oct 8th meeting? Can we use a crossbow for 2013? Did the law pass? I heard that it fif not, but maybe in 2014?
charlie elk says
In 2013 the same rules apply to crossbows for deer hunting as in the past; You must have a disability permint.
We are waiting for the Assembly to pass the amended version. When they do and Governor signs, WI will allow crossbows for deer hunting in 2014.
Good Hunting.
leonard Siemieniec says
I’ 80 years old can I use a crossbow for hunting in Wisconsin. or can anyone.
charlie elk says
Yes you can use a crossbow now. Currently hunters over the age of 65 and those with disability permits may use a crossbow.
On October 27th the WI Assembly unanimously has passed the crossbow bill, Governor Walker is expected to sign it so in 2014 crossbows will be legal for all hunters.
Good Hunting leonard,