Update 8/23/13 The corrected number and zones of Leftover Wisconsin Fall Turkey permit numbers has been updated. 2013 Fall Turkey Leftover Permit Availability
Here is a PDF table of Wisconsin’s 2013 fall wild turkey drawing results. 2013 fall turkey permits pdf
There were 20,000 more fall turkey applicants in 2013 than in 2012 as a result there are hunters who did not draw a fall tag in units 2, 5,6 & 7 including 130 landowners did not draw a permit in these units.
55, 711 wild turkey permits were awarded out of a total of 96,700 permits available.
Leftover tags are available as follows:
- Unit 1 – 15,845
- Unit 3 – 17,340
- Unit 4 – 7,804
These tags will available for sale starting August 24 at 10 A.M. Hunters may buy one tag per day until sold out.

Warm up the calls, the fall turkey season starts September 14, 2013
gale lueders says
please advise how many permits where available for zone 2, how many people did not get drawn? THANK YOU!!
charlie elk says
There were 18,000 unit 2 permits available and the preliminary figure of the number not drawn was about 5,000.