Gun Deer Season in Wisconsin can be challenging in many different ways. Even if you’ve spent the money, time and effort on your won land to avoid the crowds; things can still happen which will cost you a day of hunting.
Wisconsin 2011 Gun Deer Season:
A trespasser stumbled into view at 8 AM. He was very excited claiming he was tracking a deer he shot earlier that morning. After introductions I informed him he was deep onto private propery, that being, my property during prime hunting hours. Waiting until later in the day and calling for permission would have been the courteous thing to do.
Many hunters when caught on private propery claim they got turned around, lost their way. following a wounded animal or some such excuse. However, in the case he showed me the blood trail. We following the blood trail a short distance I quickly concluded it indicated a bad hit; gut shot with maybe a liver nick. I informed him the deer needed some time to settle down. He wanted to charge ahead to find his deer. I would not let him, its my land, I am trying to hunt and he is not making that easy.
I insisted on escorting him back to his stand setup. He starts telling me about all the deer he saw while on stand and just had to risk a shot he was not sure about. A neighbor had given him permission to hunt but he traveled a long way off the neighbor’s land crossing another’s land then set up in a tree 200 yards on my land which placed him within 50 yards of my son’s stand. My son was not hunting this morning. I showed him the boundaries he crossed and he claimed confusion in the morning dark and promised not to trespass again.
I found his deer a nice doe early that afternoon, called him to come get it and helped him haul it out. The trespasser ends up with a nice deer and no charges filed for his violation that burned up a day of my hunting.
Was I too nice?
Now that he clearly knows the property lines will he honor them?
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